Updated on September 26, 2024

When it comes to urinary incontinence in the workplace, the focus is often placed on employees to manage their symptoms finding discrete ways to dispose of adult diapers.. However, employers play a critical role in creating a supportive and inclusive environment.

By implementing thoughtful accommodations, businesses can help employees with incontinence navigate their work responsibilities with confidence and comfort.

In this article, we’ll explore the steps employers can take to support staff with urinary incontinence, from raising awareness to providing essential workplace amenities. Let’s look at how a proactive approach can make a significant difference in the lives of employees managing this common yet often misunderstood condition

Why Employers Need to Address Urinary Incontinence in the Workplace

Urinary incontinence is a widespread issue, affecting over 28 million people in North America. As the workforce ages, more employees are likely to experience this condition, yet it remains a topic shrouded in stigma and embarrassment. Employers have a responsibility to create a workplace environment that respects the health and well-being of all employees, including those with incontinence. Failing to address these needs can lead to increased absenteeism, reduced productivity, and decreased employee morale.

Key Reasons to Support Employees with Incontinence:

  • Promotes a Healthy Work Environment: Accommodating employees with incontinence helps create a workplace that prioritizes health and well-being.
  • Enhances Employee Retention: Supportive measures can lead to increased job satisfaction and loyalty, reducing turnover rates.
  • Compliance with Legal Requirements: Providing reasonable accommodations is not only ethical but also aligns with workplace health and safety regulations.

Urinary incontinence in the workplace: an increasingly common experience

With more and more people working well past the traditional retirement age, incontinence in the workplace is a common issue.

A person at the age of 65 is 75% more likely to be working now than someone of the same age a generation ago. Some people choose to work past the traditional age of retirement because work is a positive source of community, enjoyment, and fulfillment in their lives (like Robert DeNiro in The Intern).

Others are forced to work well past the point that they would like to retire due to financial reasons. In the US, 30% of workers over the age of 65 have nothing saved for retirement. From the high cost of living and inflation to a lack of retirement funds and support, it can be impossible to survive without an income in later life.

The COVID-19 pandemic also had a significant impact on the ability of older people to stop working. The unemployment rate for adults over 65 quadrupled during the pandemic.

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3 reasons why your employer should accommodate you

  1. Incontinence is a common concern – you aren’t alone.
  2. Incontinence is uncontrollable – it can be an uncomfortable bodily function.
  3. You are deserving of an inclusive, supportive workplace.

Effective Workplace Accommodations for Urinary Incontinence

Creating an inclusive work environment requires a combination of physical adjustments, policy changes, and awareness initiatives. Here are some effective accommodations employers can implement to support employees with urinary incontinence:

1. Flexible Bathroom Breaks: Employees should feel comfortable taking breaks as needed without the fear of stigma or repercussions. Flexible policies around bathroom breaks allow employees to manage their condition with dignity.

2. Discrete Disposal Options: Providing discrete, hands-free disposal bins in restrooms ensures that employees have a private and hygienic way to dispose of incontinence products. This reduces the stress and anxiety associated with managing incontinence at work.

3. Accessible Restrooms: Workstations should be located near accessible restrooms to minimize the distance employees need to travel. Consider designating a restroom specifically for employees with medical needs, equipped with incontinence supplies and private stalls.

4. Awareness and Training Programs: Educating all employees, including managers and HR staff, about urinary incontinence helps to reduce stigma and foster a supportive work culture. Awareness programs can include information on the prevalence of incontinence and the importance of creating an inclusive environment.

5. Remote Work or Flexible Schedules: Offering remote work options or flexible schedules can help employees manage their condition more effectively. For those unable to work from home, consider adjusted hours that accommodate their health needs.

People can spend 60% of their waking hours at work, meaning that the workplace can be some people’s primary environment.

In a study published in Nursing Times, 82% of working people who had bladder issues struggled with incontinence at work.

Supporting urinary incontinence symptoms with bathroom breaks

Employers need to be flexible about how often and how long employees step away from their desks or stations when it comes to employees who struggle with incontinence and other health issues.

Feeling comfortable enough to go to the bathroom when needed is essential for those who struggle with incontinence.

Timed voiding (the process of waiting to go to the bathroom at a set, healthy rate) aside, going to the bathroom at the drop of a hat is not only a basic human right, but it’s the difference between a trip to the restroom and a potentially stressful accident that could result in feelings of embarrassment and discomfort.

Employers can foster a comfortable work culture for employees with incontinence by allowing flexible bathroom breaks without questions, whether it’s during lunch meetings or conference calls.

Providing environmental incontinence aids

There are some environmental adjustments that your work can make to support your needs. These easy swaps, considerations, and additions are effective solutions that can make a huge difference in your day.

For example, you can request an adjustable desk so you can stand instead of sitting while you work. Standing may help to ease your symptoms, as sitting can often worsen incontinence.

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If you have to work at a sitting desk, consider using an exercise ball or an ergonomic chair to support your bodily comfort. Either of these options will support your posture and help you to remain more stable. Stability helps to strengthen your core, which can improve symptoms.

Your employer can also ensure you are stationed close to a workplace washroom so that in the event you need to make a dash for it, you don’t have far to go. Remember, it’s okay to request that you sit near the door during meetings. Small environmental changes can make a big difference to your comfort and health.

Creating Inclusive Workplace Washrooms for Employees with Incontinence

The design and maintenance of workplace washrooms play a significant role in supporting employees with urinary incontinence. Ensuring that restrooms are equipped with the right amenities can make a world of difference in an employee’s daily experience.

Key Features of an Inclusive Workplace Washroom:

  • Hands-Free Disposal Units: These bins allow for the discrete and sanitary disposal of incontinence products, reducing the risk of odor and contamination.
  • Incontinence Product Availability: Stock restrooms with essential incontinence supplies like pads and adult diapers, similar to how period products are provided.
  • Private, Spacious Stalls: Large, private stalls provide employees with the space they need to manage their condition comfortably and with dignity.

Benefits of Inclusive Washrooms:

  • Improved Hygiene: Proper disposal options help maintain restroom cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Accessible and well-equipped restrooms reduce the stress and anxiety associated with managing incontinence.
  • Increased Employee Satisfaction: Knowing that their needs are being considered can boost employee morale and job satisfaction.

Citron Hygiene’s incontinence waste disposal unit is a safe and clean way to enable those with incontinence to dispose of dirty adult diapers .

Offering a hybrid approach to work

Advocating for remote work days is another way to support your health at work.

While this option may not be available for everyone, taking a hybrid approach to employment can help you to conserve your sick days while working with incontinence symptoms.

If a hybrid approach isn’t an option for your job, consider other accommodations your employer might be able to make to the hours you work. For example, if you struggle more with incontinence later in the day, perhaps you can begin your work day earlier.

What is incontinence?

Incontinence is defined as the inability to control the flow of urine from the bladder. Urinary incontinence is also known as overactive bladder.

Incontinence is common and nothing to be ashamed of, like any mental or physical bodily function.

1 in 20 adults experience incontinence issues – but it shouldn’t stop you from living your life.

Whom does urinary incontinence affect?

Urinary incontinence is more common than you might realize! It affects over

Approximately 1 in 2 women over the age of 50 deal with urinary incontinence.

What causes incontinence?

Short-term causes of urinary incontinence

  • Short-term incontinence can be caused by UTIs, vaginal infections, bladder irritation, constipation, and medications.

Long-term causes of urinary incontinence

  • Long-term causes of urinary incontinence can include: weak bladder or pelvic floor muscles, nerve damage, overactive bladder muscles, arthritis, and pelvic floor prolapse.
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Types of urinary incontinence

Stress incontinence

  • Stress incontinence can begin around menopause. ‘Stress’ refers to physical activity: i.e. exercise, laughing, lifting heavy objects, etc. It can also be common in younger or middle aged women.

Urge incontinence

  • Urge incontinence can affect people with diabetes, Alzhiemer’s, Parkinson’s, MS or those who have suffered a stroke.

Overflow incontinence

  • Overflow incontinence is a type of incontinence where the bladder is physically restricted, making it uncomfortable to wait to go to the bathroom. This can be caused by spinal cord injuries, diabetes or enlargements in the bladder that cause pressure.

Functional incontinence

  • Functional incontinence can occur in older people who are restricted from getting to the bathroom on time due to physical ailments that can make it difficult to walk quickly.

Supporting employees with urinary incontinence is not just about providing practical solutions; it’s about fostering an inclusive and respectful work environment. By understanding the needs of these employees and implementing thoughtful accommodations, businesses can help create a workplace where everyone can thrive. Citron Hygiene is committed to providing the best incontinence support solutions for businesses looking to enhance their workplace inclusivity.

Create a Supportive Workplace – Contact Citron Hygiene Today: Ready to make your workplace more inclusive? Contact Citron Hygiene for a consultation and discover how we can help you support employees with urinary incontinence and create a healthier work environment.

Urinary Incontinence – FAQS

  1. What is urinary incontinence, and who does it affect?
    • Urinary incontinence is the inability to control the flow of urine from the bladder. It affects over 28 million people in North America., including 1 in 2 women over the age of 50 and many individuals with conditions like diabetes, arthritis, or neurological disorders.
  2. Why is it important for employers to accommodate employees with incontinence?
    • Accommodations help create a supportive work environment, reduce absenteeism, and improve employee morale. They also ensure compliance with health and safety regulations, demonstrating that the employer values the well-being of all staff.
  3. What are some common accommodations for employees with incontinence?
    • Common accommodations include flexible bathroom breaks, discrete disposal options, accessible restrooms, and remote work or flexible scheduling. These adjustments help employees manage their condition with dignity and comfort.
  4. How can workplace washrooms be made more inclusive for employees with incontinence?
    • Inclusive washrooms should have hands-free disposal units, incontinence product availability, and private, spacious stalls. These features provide a safe and dignified space for managing symptoms.
  5. What are the different types of urinary incontinence?
    • There are four main types: stress incontinence (caused by physical activity), urge incontinence (often associated with neurological conditions), overflow incontinence (related to bladder obstruction), and functional incontinence (occurs when physical limitations prevent timely restroom access).
  6. How can employers reduce the stigma associated with incontinence?
    • Employers can reduce stigma by raising awareness through training and education, creating a culture of understanding and support, and providing the necessary accommodations to help employees manage their condition comfortably.

Find out how we can elevate your washroom experience today.

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