Woman disposal of tampon in a sanitary disposal

Updated on April 29, 2024

Get the best sanitary napkin disposal for your bathroom.
Find out more about our sanitary bin services and menstrual hygiene solutions.

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Citron feminine hygiene unit for breast cancer awareness

Sanitary napkin disposal and disposing of sanitary waste at work can be safe, clean and hygienic with the right sanitary waste bins, creating a safe work environment.

Sanitary waste receptacles and bins are specially designed containers that allow for the safe disposal of sanitary waste – pads and tampons – in public bathrooms.

Sounds simple right? The first sanitary bin came to market in the 1950s, over 60 years ago, yet there are still countless businesses across North America that fail to provide adequate feminine hygiene bins to dispose of menstrual waste.

These days, many workplaces often provide nothing at all or just a wall-mounted metal box. While the latter can be sufficient, they often overflow with menstrual waste, and as such they can be unhygienic and unsafe. Read more on the difference between metal wall boxes and menstrual hygiene disposal.

Today, both businesses and menstruators can benefit from upgraded menstrual waste receptacles – ones that prevent pads and tampons from being flushed down the toilet and provide period equity and dignity all while protecting facilities managers and janitorial staff from bloodborne pathogens.

Citron Hygiene is here to explain why every workplace needs to provide effective sanitary waste containers, for the dignity of all menstruators who require them.

Benefits of Sanitary Napkin Disposal and Menstrual Waste Containers

🩸Feminine hygiene disposal containers decrease plumbing problems and cut back costs

In the absence of a hygiene unit or one that is touch-free and hygienic, the usual place for sanitary napkins and tampons to end up is down the toilet.

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If your washroom users are continuously flushing items that shouldn’t go down the toilet then this is going to end up causing drain blockages and plumbing issues. This can lead to big business costs if you have to call in the plumber.

Suddenly, the cost of feminine hygiene disposal units doesn’t seem like such a bad investment. Not only this, but waste can end up in waste-water streams if not disposed of in the correct manner and, therefore by providing sanitary units in your business’ bathroom you can ensure you are minimizing your impact on the environment.

Create a safe work environment by installing sanitary waste receptacles

Providing toilet paper and soap are essential in every restroom environment, but personal hygiene disposal units should be too.

Previously seen as a luxury, waste receptacles are actually a necessity!

Your public washroom can paint a thousand words about how you do business and maintaining exceptional standards can lead to countless benefits for your business including positive word of mouth, increased footfall, customer retention, more engaged and productive employees to name a few.

A high-quality workplace washroom experience can be provided by supplying proper means for the disposal of menstrual hygiene products.

While a metal wall box for tampons and pads may be a sufficient choice, a closed top sanitary napkin disposal unit can stop any overflow of waste and ensure your restroom is always presenting a positive impression.

Why not see how you can improve your restroom hygiene standards by downloading our free ‘how does your restroom rank?’ checklist.

Sanitary pad disposal units maintain high hygiene levels & reduce cross-contamination

Covid-19 and other infectious diseases can live on metal wall boxes for up to 72 hours, and this can cause surface-to-person infection transmission.

Not to mention blood-borne pathogens and harmful microorganisms such as Hepatitis, E. Coli, Staphylococcus and Salmonella live on these surfaces. By providing effective touch-free sanitary receptacles, you are committing to a higher level of hygiene, eliminating cross-contamination, bad odours and protecting your restroom users from illness.

Sanitary pad disposal bins aid in menstrual hygiene management

If any of your washroom users menstruate, you definitely need to be providing effective personal hygiene units.

Not being able to dispose of menstrual waste like used pads and tampons when away from home can lead to stigma and taboos around periods sometimes leading to embarrassment for the individual and even lost work time. Menstruating is a perfectly normal bodily function and businesses have a duty of care to ensure they are supplying the right facilities for adequate menstrual hygiene. 

See also  Massachusetts I AM Bill (S.2491/H.534) - Free Period Products

Also ReadThe Benefits of Tampon and Sanitary Napkin Dispensers in Public Restrooms

Increase menstrual equality and combat period poverty  

Today the taboos and expectations around menstrual equity are changing – take Disney’s new movie Turning Red for instance.

More people now expect schools and businesses to take an active role in normalizing periods to combat period poverty and period stigma.

Installing menstrual hygiene dispensers can help to boost period equity and combat period poverty.

Period equity means that period products should be seen as necessities, not luxuries.

Period poverty refers to the inequitable cost of period products, which impacts people who menstruate in all areas of life, like work and school.

Inflation impacts the cost of period products that people who menstruate need to stay healthy and clean during their menstrual cycle. As a business, providing free menstrual products is essential to your employee’s health and wellbeing in the workplace.

People who menstruate get their periods at work, and they deserve access to essential period products with dignified and sanitary ways of disposing those products. And for women who menstruate, period equity is directly related to gender equality, and to feeling safe and respected at work.

Installing a menstrual hygiene dispenser, restocking menstrual health products and handling sanitary waste safely can help to combat period poverty and increase period equity in the workplace.

How to Dispose of Sanitary Waste at Work

Touch-free sanitary bins offer a discrete and safe way for menstruators to dispose of personal hygiene products. This means users are likely to follow best practices and your workplace washroom will remain a considerate and clean environment for all who come and go.

With the help of professional hygiene services, menstrual waste can then be disposed of and collected in a sustainable way with minimal environmental impact. Learn more about how hygiene experts can help to dispose of sanitary waste correctly.

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Citron Hygiene’s feminine hygiene disposal containers

Ensure your washroom users’ needs are met by providing hands-free sanitary waste containers.

From large manufacturing facilities to small restaurants, we can supply sanitary napkin disposal bins and tampon disposal units no matter the size of your organization with a range of stylish options to choose from.

Touchless Sanitary Disposal Units FAQS

What are the main benefits and advantages of using touch-free sanitary disposal bins units?
Touch-free sanitary disposal bin units are designed to provide a hygienic and convenient solution for the disposal of sanitary waste, typically in public restrooms or other facilities. Here are some of their common uses and benefits:
1. Hygiene:
2. Convenience:
3. Odor Control:
4. Environmental Sustainability:
5. Compliance with Regulations:
What are some common locations or settings where touch-free sanitary disposal bins units are commonly used?
Some common settings include:
1. Public restrooms:
2. Office buildings:
3. Healthcare facilities:
4. Educational institutions:
5. Hospitality industry:
6. Gyms and recreational facilities:
7. Public transport stations:
8. Shopping centers and retail stores:
What are the key features and technologies used in touch-free sanitary disposal bins units?
Touch-free sanitary disposal bins typically incorporate various features and technologies to enhance hygiene and convenience. Here are some common key features:
1. Infrared Sensors: These sensors are used to detect the presence of hands or objects near the bin, triggering the lid to open automatically without the need for physical contact.
2. Motion Sensors: Some units utilize motion sensors to detect movement, ensuring hands-free operation of the disposal bin.
3. Automatic Lid Opening/Closing:
How can touch-free sanitary disposal bins units help reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses in public spaces?
They eliminate the need for physical contact, reducing the risk of spreading germs and bacteria.

Sanitary bin services 

In addition to supplying the bins, our hygiene technicians provide a reliable and discreet service to remove waste from your facility on a pre-determined fixed schedule.

To find out more about our hygeia sanitary bin services, fill in the form below and the team at Citron Hygiene will be in touch.

Find out how we can elevate your washroom experience today.

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