Closeup calculator and bills

Updated on November 12, 2024

Have you ever stood in line at a grocery store or supermarket, sweating a little as you watch the numbers on the cash register rise… and rise… and rise…?

These days, this is an experience we can all relate to on some level. 

We have all been inconvenienced by inflation costs – but we don’t all feel the impact of inflation to the same degree. 

Some people have been able to absorb the costs of inflation without a lot of sweating.

Others stand in front of products at the grocery store making mental calculations. 

“Which ones are on sale? How many should I buy and still be able to afford the groceries and fill my car up with gas? Should I even bother buying pads this month, or should I just buy extra discount toilet paper and hope that works?”

These aren’t choices people should have to make – especially when it comes to your health and wellbeing. 

Menstruation isn’t a choice, it’s a biological function. 

Menstrual hygiene products are a right, not a privilege. And yet 21% of American women report that they struggle to afford menstrual hygiene products every month.

See also  Hygiene Tips for Your Business: Airports

How can you help make a difference in the lives of your customers, guests and employees? 

The answer is simple – and we’ll tell you in this article.

In this article we’ll talk about: 

  • The impacts of inflation on period poverty 
  • Simple, business-friendly ways to combat period poverty 
  • How your business can start being period positive today

Let’s get started.

The impacts of inflation on period poverty 

Before the pandemic, period poverty impacted nearly 22 million menstruators who could not comfortably afford menstruation products each month. 

86% of menstruators felt that their period held them back from fully participating in activities or reaching their full potential. 

Even before inflation prices skyrocketed, 70% of menstruators had missed school or work because they didn’t have the supplies they needed to stay clean and comfortable through the day. 

Now, with the costs of inflation, monthly expenses are even higher, which makes buying menstrual hygiene products even more difficult. 

Menstrual hygiene products are not a luxury – they are a basic need, like soap and toilet paper. 

How do you make sure that these basic needs are being met in your public restrooms? 

See also  How To Elevate Your Workplace Washroom Hygiene Standards?

There’s an easy solution! Keep reading to find out. 

Have you ever been accused of “PMSing”? You’re not the only one. Learn about menstruation and come up with your next comeback by reading this article.

Is there a way to combat period poverty?

Fortunately for you – and for public restroom users everywhere – there are several easy ways to combat period poverty!

  • You could join the #FreeTheTampon movement that has been steadily, if quietly, gaining traction through the years to make menstrual products free in public areas.
  • You could help move public restrooms toward menstrual equity by making your public restrooms accessible with menstrual hygiene dispensers.
  • You could skip right past accessibility and make your restrooms downright accommodating by providing free-vend menstrual hygiene dispensers that guarantee every guest visiting your restroom will have access to the products that they need! 

Citron Hygiene and our partner Aunt Flow are working together to make sure that all businesses and schools have what they need to easily provide menstrual hygiene needs to their customers and students. 

How can my business combat period poverty?

Not only does Citron Hygiene have the solution for you – we have the products and services too. 

Check out our free-vend menstrual hygiene dispensers to get started. 

See also  Choosing the Right Tampon and Sanitary Napkin Dispensers for Your Business

Citron Hygiene’s expert technicians  are trained to: 

  • Install your menstrual hygiene dispensers 
  • Regularly restock the products 
  • Sanitize and service your menstrual hygiene disposal units 
  • Handle waste safely and hygienically

Good menstrual hygiene must come with good menstrual hygiene disposal

Don’t miss an important step in updating your restrooms – make sure that your customers’ have a clean, hygienic place to dispose of used menstrual hygiene products that eliminates lingering odors in your restrooms.

Double bonus – our menstrual hygiene disposal units are cutting-edge touch-free technology. Touch-free units help cut down on the spread of infectious illnesses by minimizing touch-points.

Read this blog to learn how menstrual hygiene disposal has changed through the years. 

Don’t delay – start today

You’re ready to start the process of making your restrooms accessible to all of your guests – and Citron Hygiene is ready to help you. 

Get your free consultation today – contact one of our friendly professionals here

Fun fact: we provide free trials on select products and services. Check-in with our team when you call! 

Find out how we can elevate your washroom experience today.

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