Infographic: Back to Work Safely

Updated on February 22, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic has made many businesses re-think their hygiene strategy, with customer’s warry of visiting businesses that do not look safe.  Re-opening your business safely can be complicated during a global pandemic. Fixtures like hand sanitizer dispensers and social distancing posters are commonly used, but more is needed. Using a combination of hygiene products and services that target both air and surface contamination, and minimize touch-points will help reduce instances of viral transmission.

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Give Employees and Visitors Peace of Mind!

Welcome to the new normal; a world of hygiene hypervigilance, and businesses are expected to adjust! This infographic outlines the hygiene measures which, especially when combined, help facilitate a safe return to work. Confidently welcome back employees and visitors with Citron Hygiene and  request a quote, or for more information, contact us at 800.643.6922.

Back to Work Safely Infographic

Click here to download this Infographic

For more information on facility hygiene , check out or blog, case studies, and additional resources!

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