How To Elevate Your Workplace Washroom Hygiene Standards?

What are the washrooms like?” It’s a question that echoes across industries—from offices to restaurants, hospitals to retail spaces. The condition of a washroom speaks volumes about an organization’s commitment to cleanliness and customer care. Foul odors, empty soap dispensers, overflowing trash bins, and unsanitary conditions are enough to deter anyone from using a restroom,… Continue reading How To Elevate Your Workplace Washroom Hygiene Standards?

Workplace Washroom Cleanliness And Safety – Tips & Solutions

Workplace Washroom Safety – Slip & fall accidents Ensuring a safe working environment is a fundamental responsibility for all business owners and facility managers. Workplace safety encompasses a broad spectrum of considerations, but among the most critical are the prevention of slip and fall accidents and the maintenance of clean and hygienic restrooms. These areas… Continue reading Workplace Washroom Cleanliness And Safety – Tips & Solutions

What Are The Hygienic Advantages of Touch-Free Hand Dryers?

Hand hygiene has never been more crucial than in today’s world, where public health is a top priority. The simple act of washing hands, as emphasized by global health organizations, plays a pivotal role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. But what comes after the wash is equally important. This is where touch-free hand… Continue reading What Are The Hygienic Advantages of Touch-Free Hand Dryers?

The Power of a Family Restroom in Your Business

The Rise Of The Family Restroom The rise of the family restroom reflects a long-needed shift towards recognizing and celebrating diverse family structures.  Family restrooms acknowledge that families come in various forms and may include single parents, same-sex parents, and families with accessibility needs.  They also acknowledge that parents and caregivers want to be present… Continue reading The Power of a Family Restroom in Your Business

Hand Dryers vs Paper Towels: Which is More Sanitary?

In today’s hygiene-conscious world, the debate between hand dryers and paper towels is more than just a choice; it’s a statement of health and sustainability. Hand dryers vs paper towels? It’s a question that will come up when you’re planning your company or facility’s hygiene strategy. As you step into any restroom, be it in… Continue reading Hand Dryers vs Paper Towels: Which is More Sanitary?

Are Hand Dryers Hygienic? Myths & Importance Of Hand Dryers

We’ve all seen it somewhere: hand dryers spread germs. Click-bait headlines, viral TikToks, and other popular content may have left you asking yourself “are hand dryers sanitary?” The next time you walk into your workplace washroom or school bathroom you might look at the air hand dryer fixed to the wall with fear. All this… Continue reading Are Hand Dryers Hygienic? Myths & Importance Of Hand Dryers

How To Choose the Right Commercial Hand Dryer – [2024] Guide

A commercial hand dryer is essential to proper hand hygiene in public bathrooms. Correct drying of the hands is an essential part of a complete hand washing routine and helps reduce the risk of spreading bacteria and viruses to surfaces when compared to wet hands. However, recently on social media, many people are asking the… Continue reading How To Choose the Right Commercial Hand Dryer – [2024] Guide

Hand Hygiene – Essential Tips & Expert Opinion [Guide 2024]

Hand hygiene is a crucial aspect of maintaining overall health and preventing the spread of diseases, particularly in public spaces and workplaces. As businesses grapple with the consequences of poor hand hygiene, including increased sick days, lost revenue, and damage to brand reputation, it is vital to prioritize and promote effective hand hygiene practices. A… Continue reading Hand Hygiene – Essential Tips & Expert Opinion [Guide 2024]

Importance of Hand Washing in Schools – Hand Hygiene Benefits

Hand washing in schools is an important step in keeping staff and children safe. The CDC recommends that in schools both the children and adults should be washing their hands at key times throughout the day. Hand washing in schools should be done with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds, followed by… Continue reading Importance of Hand Washing in Schools – Hand Hygiene Benefits

The Ultimate Guide to Using Purell Hand Sanitizer

Purell is a trusted hand sanitizer brand – it’s a staple in hospitals, schools, offices, and bathrooms around the world. Hand hygiene is now a critical public health tool that we all use to protect ourselves and others from infectious pathogens and viruses. Hand sanitizer became part of our daily lives during the COVID-19 pandemic,… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Using Purell Hand Sanitizer

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Why Choose Citron Hygiene?