Updated on March 15, 2023

Washing your hands is across the globe the most important step that we can all take to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

And we’re all doing it! But while lots of us are washing along to the tune of the Happy Birthday to make sure we’re washing our hands for 20 seconds (in order to be effective) – not every celebrity has sung along to the same tune!

With effective handwashing guidance and helping to encourage those around us, we are all working together to reduce risk of infection; protecting ourselves and those around us and helping to support our key healthcare workers. But, with the Safe Hands Challenge from the World Health Organisation (WHO) spreading across Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and more, our well-loved celebrities have even taken the next step to spread #safehands in order to help stop the spread of COVID-19!

We have found some of our favourite celebrity handwashing videos: what do you think of some of their song suggestions?

Will Ferrell offers a range of helpful handwashing serenades!

Well, we can’t say it’s pitch perfect – but Will Ferrell is certainly thorough on the time spent hand washing!

Perhaps something a little more tuneful!

Looking on the Mr. Brightside

Brandon Flowers from The Killers with excellent handwashing technique and tune to match!

See also  The Difference Between a Bacteria & Virus and How to Avoid Both

What does Maria Carey have in store?

Mariah Carey’s Handwashing Homerun

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Washing our hands to 20 seconds of Ol’ Dirty Bastard! Stay safe everybody! ❤️

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As ever, Mariah Carey knocks it out of the park, but she’s brought in the kids for this one!

Jimmy Fallon’s Washing Hands Theme Tune!

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Washing hands now has its own theme tune with this video from Jimmy Fallon. A star cast brought in again with the kids!

Have you been teaching your kids how to practice effective hand hygiene?

“You’re Welcome” for this Handwashing Lesson

We think that the Rock grabs the award for most catchy for this one, and most adorable?!

See also  10 Tips for Staying Healthy While Working from Home

Gloria Gaynor has Got Everyone Singing Along and Staying Alive!

Here’s Gloria Gaynor setting off a TikTok handwashing groove, and just a few of those taking on her #IWillSurviveChallenge to spread #Safe hands!

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Japanese social media star Pikotaro rejigs his signature song PPAP (Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen) for promoting handwashing.


Finish with a Diamond

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And to finish: a Neil Diamond!

Help Spread safe hands

Want to help spread safe hands at home or in the workplace? We’ve put everything you need to know about hand hygiene in one place so that you can find guidance posters and the importance of hand hygiene – all in one place.

What will you sing along to?

If your workplace wants to get involved and create a fun video to promote handwashing why not talk to Citron Hygiene about hand hygiene solutions that include our touch free automatic soap and hand sanitizer!










Find out how we can elevate your washroom experience today.

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