Person performing sanitary napkin disposal into a garbage bin

Updated on April 29, 2024

More and more public washrooms have put signs on their stalls pleading with users to stop flushing tampons down the toilet and to dispose of tampons and sanitary napkins in the bins or boxes provided. 

But are signs on bathroom stalls really solving the problem?

Dou you know how to dispose of tampons and sanitary napkins, pads in USA?

Even if people know how to dispose of a used tampon or sanitary pad, many are still flushing them down the drain or worse yet – leaving them in places you don’t want to find them. 


It usually comes down to two things:

  • Options for menstrual waste disposal aren’t hygienic enough (i.e. mall mounted steel boxes)
  • There is no menstrual hygiene waste disposal option available 


The good news is, both of these problems are easy to fix, especially if you outsource your menstrual hygiene waste disposal. 

If you’re responsible for a public or business washroom, then read on to discover: 

  • What it means to outsource menstrual hygiene waste
  • What expert menstrual waste disposal looks like
  • Why outsourcing menstrual hygiene waste disposal is better for your business
  • How to start outsourcing menstrual waste disposal today

Disposal of tampons and sanitary napkins – Why it should be outsourced?

Let’s get straight to the heart of why you’re here: why should you consider outsourcing the disposal of menstrual hygiene waste


Decrease plumbing expenses

Your average commercial plumber charges about $85.00/hour for standard jobs – and extra for repairs, serious blockage removals, etc. 

The majority of blockages are caused by menstrual hygiene products that have no better place to go. Despite knowing that you shouldn’t flush tampons down the toilet, many menstruators do. 

See also  Menstrual Cups vs Tampons - Which Are Better? [GUIDE]

Change that by ensuring that all washroom stalls are all equipped with professionally cleaned, touch-free menstrual hygiene disposal unit technology that will keep products out of your pipes and reduce your annual plumbing costs. 


Eliminate cross-contamination with blood-borne pathogens

Menstrual hygiene waste contains blood, which means that cautions around blood-borne pathogens like HIV, HBV and HCV should be taken, yet many public washrooms don’t protect their users or their cleaning staff from potential contamination. 

When you outsource your sanitary pads waste disposal you will have access to the technology, hygiene expertise and servicing that keeps everyone safe. 


Sick days

The current standard is that all employers will provide 10 paid sick days to all employees to give them time to rest and recover before diving back into work. 

Right now – everyone is sick, resulting in 50% staff shortages at many workplaces due to illnesses.

Outsourcing your washroom hygiene needs to an expert will not only help limit or eliminate the contagious illnesses being passed between people in contained spaces like washrooms, you’ll also never have to worry about who’s going to service your washroom when you’re short staffed. 

Now you know why you should outsource. Let’s talk about what it looks like. 


Tampon and sanitary napkins disposal – What outsourcing looks like?

To outsource work means to hire an expert outside of your internal business staff to perform a specific task or service. 

Typical “in-house” washroom services are performed by business owners, facilities managers or janitorial staff. 

In some industries, washroom cleaning and maintenance is rotated amongst the team, with servers, baristas, sales clerks and other team members responsible for restroom hygiene. 

Unless specifically trained in sanitation or expert hygiene services, washroom cleaning and maintenance usually focuses on the aesthetic standards of cleanliness and tidiness vs. deep disinfection and sanitation. 

Simple tidiness of restroom spaces doesn’t cut it when you’re thinking about public health and safety. 

When you outsource your washroom hygiene solutions to a company like Citron Hygiene, you are contracting trained experts to perform specific tasks that will elevate your hygiene standards in restrooms to protect your janitors, customers and other employees from contagious illnesses. 

Touching contaminated items such as used menstrual hygiene products, can spread illnesses. Menstrual hygiene waste requires specialized removal and cleaning care.

See also  Boost Your Business with Period-Positive Washrooms: Inclusivity Leads to Success

Menstrual hygiene waste disposal units are one of the dirtiest places in public restrooms – and menstruators who need to use them every day deserve expert, professional sanitation services to ensure they’re properly cleaned.

Which is why Citron Hygiene has been hired by hundreds of companies to meet a higher standard of washroom hygiene and sanitation. 


Upgrading your feminine hygiene disposal containers

Another reason to outsource your menstrual waste disposal is to upgrade your menstrual hygiene disposal units – also known as feminine hygiene disposal containers. 

Feminine hygiene disposal units today look nothing like the metal wall boxes of yesterday. 

Touchless hygienic menstrual care disposal systems are now designed to be discreet, dignified and for all menstruators. They work to eliminate odours, minimize risks from bloodborne pathogens and protect everyone who uses public bathrooms. 

Save on plumbing costs, protect your washroom users and create a period positive space with modern and hygienic menstrual waste solutions. 


What does expert menstrual waste disposal look like?

Our menstrual hygiene disposal service has evolved over the years in response to changing customer needs and advances in technology.

When our experts enter your business to dispose of menstrual waste, one of our top priorities is discretion

Full and replacement units aren’t carted through your facility – our gentle handling techniques reduce disruption to your employees while reducing risks of cross-contamination at the same time. 


The process of disposing of tampons and sanitary napkins

When our experts arrive at your business, all sanitary waste is removed and placed in a protective tote for discrete and safe removal to an offsite location.

Each menstrual hygiene unit should be lined with a liner bag – and these liner bags are replaced by our team. 

Each menstrual hygiene waste disposal unit will then be “re-charged” with Actiwipe – the only sanitary waste treatment agent with a Drug Identification Number (DIN) in Canada that is specifically registered to treat sanitary waste between service calls.

All units are then cleaned and disinfected. Our professionally disinfected units maintain a lasting polished appearance.


The trained hygiene technicians who specialize in menstrual hygiene waste disposal 

Our Citron Certified Hygiene Technician (CCHT) initiative is a comprehensive program that all technicians must complete prior to entering our service force. The CCHT training program is designed to ensure consistency in our service programs.

See also  Hygiene Tips for Your Business: Retail

Our comprehensive occupational health and safety training program includes detailed infection prevention protocols effectively mitigating the risks associated with handling blood waste.


The highest standards of hygiene and public safety

When you outsource your menstrual hygiene waste disposal, you’re investing in professionalism.

Hygienic & Clean Services Dedicated Disposal Units Highly Trained Staff 
Our comprehensive maintenance and cleaning processes use all natural, Health Canada DIN registered treatment agents.Our touch-free menstrual hygiene disposal units offer a higher standard of hygienic technology.Citron Certified Hygiene Technicians are trained to follow detailed infection prevention and occupational health and safety protocols to keep your employees and visitors safe.


Outsourcing Disposal of Used Tampon is Better For Your Business and Environment

When you outsource your menstrual hygiene disposal to Citron Hygiene (US, Canada), we deliver significant advantages in efficiency, quality and reduced environmental impact.


Environmental benefits of outsourcing menstrual hygiene waste disposal

  • Oxo-degradable liner bags minimize the impact of plastic on the environment
  • Our sanitizers are made from all-natural ingredients, protecting users and staff from pathogens, and protecting our environment from harmful chemicals
  • We are proud to use a battery recycling program for the batteries used in infrared touch-free lids 


Health and safety benefits of outsourcing menstrual hygiene waste disposal

  • Discrete removal of menstrual waste in concealed totes will prevent the spread of illnesses during removal of waste products.
  • Professional sanitation of menstrual hygiene units will reduce the risk of cross-contamination and the build-up of fluids that contain blood-borne pathogens. 


Business benefits of outsourcing menstrual hygiene waste disposal

  • Your business will appeal to customers and employees’ higher expectations for hygiene and cleanliness.
  • 71% of employees see restroom cleanliness as a reflection of management – boost employee morale with a clean restroom.  
  • When our experts enter your facility to remove menstrual hygiene waste, we provide additional services to keep your restrooms functioning: 
  • Hands-free mechanisms are tested and verified.
  • Lid openings are inspected for proper functioning.
  • Batteries are replaced when required at no additional charge.


Elevate your business: start outsourcing menstrual waste disposal today 

Protect your team and take a dirty job off of their to-do list by outsourcing to one of the leading washroom hygiene experts in US and Canada

We’re ready to take your call. Book a free restroom consultation today to get started. Visit:

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